Category Archives: The Longing..

The longing..II (redemption)


With a mind full of thoughts..she dragged herself slowly towards a small park..

Sitting on a bench she re-lived her life with him all over her thoughts. Day turned to dusk, lost in her thoughts, standing on the side of a narrow country road suddenly she realized where she was. Her thoughts turned back to the present and questioned her  “What next” ? Where next from here?? Where would she go next… She had no answer to it..

“May I help you cross the road lady”, a deep husky voice rang into her ears, and before she could utter a word she was on the other side of the road with the stranger holding her hand firmly. All she could do till now was stare at him. She couldn’t take her eyes off him. He was a young man of about 20-22, tall handsome..and that familiarity, resemblance..stirred up her thoughts again. It was him. But how could it be him. Wasn’t he..? Why is God doing this to me.Why cant I let those clutches of memories off me. Soon she shifted her mind from emotions to logic., gathered up her senses and muttered, “Thank you..”.. “My pleasure” , he said softly with a smile.. “But do you mind me asking what brings you here? Never seen you in this town before”  “Ah..a relative”..after a pause  she spoke up engrossed in thoughts.. “ I Have come to visit some distant relatives..Thanks..May God bless u”..He gave her a smile and took her leave. She stood there watching him going away and melting into the dusk………

She spent that night at the house of an elderly lady whose reference she had from an old friend before she started from home. Next morning  she went to visit the local church. After the prayers she came and sat outside in the yard thinking of the last night’s chance meeting with that stranger and also about where and how to go about her search for which she was here.Then suddenly she caught the glimpse of that young man again. Fixing her gaze in that direction she tried to recognize him and by that time saw him moving towards her smiling as always..and before she could gather up her strayed thoughts he was right in front of her.. “Greeting ma’am”..he spoke up  softly. “ Here we are again. Life is a string of co-incidences. Isnt it? Plan to move around the town today? It’s a beautiful place with interesting places to visit and yes, even nicer people”..he said jokingly..I am sure you would have a great stay here”… “Oh yes”,she  said .. “Nice is”..,with a faint smile, but this time this smile reflected in her eyes..

Days went on and she went on to see that young man more often.These meetings made her know that his name was Mark. He worked at the mines there, and was in love with a village girl, Martha. Their love was facing hurdles as Mark was a poor man,and with his petty job he could never afford a house to live in for him n Martha. So they never knew if they ll ever get married or not.But still they were happy together spending each day as if there’s no tomorrow.She saw their love blossom..which was so close to her own..Mark and Martha were just like them in their prime..bubbly,vivacious, fun-loving and so deeply in love..their love for each other made her forget her pain… and also her purpose for a moment..

Days went on..then one day she met Mark and spoke of her purpose .She told him who she came here looking for..

Mark dint seemed much surprised and with an ambiguous smile he said.. “So you are here at last??”.. She couldn’t understand what he meant.. “Yes..but….”   “Don’t be surprised ma’am”, he interrupted..”not only me but the whole town knows it.come with me…..”

He took her to an old was a huge house almost like a mansion,in the outskirts of seemed as if the house was locked from long. Still strangely everything though covered in dust, was in order. Making his way through the things he opened a big wooden box. Heres the treasure he left you. With eyes filled with amazement she stooped down to have a look..The box was full of letters..a lot of them may be in thousands…addressed to her. “That day he was finally going back to meet his people, to meet you and bring you this house”,he continued, “but destiny had something else in store. The train crashed and so did his dreams.Thats what fate is”, he sighed, “But we all knew you will come here looking for him as that’s what his last words were. The house is more of a monument for people around”.

“So he too waited for me the way I did” ,She murmured and sighed at the cruelty of fate. Tears flowed down her face. She cried and cried. She wanted to cry every tear out as  it had to be the last time she shed tears for him.. She will no longer betray his memories by crying. He deserved something more than her tears and her sighs. He deserved respect and love,which dwelled only in her smiles as he always loved to see her smile..

She smiled, Smiled at the irony of life.

She had already seen the worst, nothing could sadden her now.Nothing more, nothing next.She felt something beyond the worldly things.

Perhaps That’s what we need. Just one moment,one right moment  to purge, unburden and purify the mind and soul, which marks an end to a lifelong of sufferings.What else could she ask for. What was more important than his undying love for her ,it was something beyond life and death, she was happy..happy that she got true love which people crave for all their life. And today she found out what she came here looking for..She felt relieved and smiled. Couldn’t understand why but she was liking this.She was liking being happy..Oh how much she missed it.This smile, this feeling..

She always thought that years of suffering had hardened her..but no she was still that little girl at heart who cried at the drop of a hat. But this girl was learning to smile now and her same memories gave her strength to carry that enchanting smile of hers which once was like a burden to her.

Her next day started with a new spark.the morning sun was different today..instead of the gloom it brought with it for years and years,today it carried rays of relief  and happiness. Mark and Martha  were her first thought of the day.She thought of their innocent love.They showed up outside her house in the morning. With a heavy heart and tears they bid her goodbye. But she shed no tears. All she had anymore now was her smile. “Here’s my parting gift to you both”..she extended an envelope towards them, “I am handing over the abode of my memories to you.Get married and start your life together in this beautiful house”  .With all her heart she blessed and wished them a life full of love and happiness.She gave her all to them. Her dreams, her hopes, her smiles her  emotions and saw her whole world shining in their gleaming eyes. She had gifted them a lifetime of togetherness which she could never get for herself.. and got her world back in return. Their tears of indebtedness and grateful smiles……answered all her questions…was it anything less than redemption..??